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I don't come here anymore because I talk to you In other ways nonnie Is now with you In heaven...I will miss you both forever.
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Tracee Hartman
I have court on Monday please be there. help me keep nadia safe, I miss you.
Tracee Hartman
She was sooo cute every time i put on her head piece on she smiles like carter she thinks she is funny,God I so Love her
Tracee Hartman
She calls me mama all the time now..she was lam-chop for Halloween everyone thought she was so cute. hope u seen her.
Tracee Hartman
She is sooo special...she does the blowing on the belly and laughs so hard it so funny. help me keep her safe.
Tracee Hartman
Nadia is having problems with her walking...she trys so hard but falls often cus her mussels are weak. but she will get there.
Tracee Hartman
I just want Nadia to be happy and safe. Mark is always going to be part of her life I so get that. I just have to keep her safe
Tracee Hartman
Happy Halloween.Its been almost a year now. there is a staffing for Nadia on the 4th. looks they will have me take care of Nadia
Tracee Hartman
For u...Im sorry this has consumed me...I know Alissa too would want my focus on u not her...I love u Nicole. Alissa loves u...
Tracee Hartman
Alissa I will always hurt for loosing u to such an awful way but,,Nicole if u can ever forgive me I would sooo love to be there
Tracee Hartman
Because u always seemed to need me more u always had issues...Thats just not fare. I love u Nicole and I get it. Im sorry
Tracee Hartman
Anymore. I will always love u but Now its time for Nicole..She had always felt she had taken a back step to u. Part of that was
Tracee Hartman
I have to and want to give Nicole the time she soooo needs from me so I will have to say to u I will not consume my self with u
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