I'm remembering when you & your mom and me stayed together, I had taken you to the
Royal Oak carnival fair and me and you kept riding the pony together you were so happy being with
Aunt Terri, you were just 2 yrs. old. Well there was a little girl there with her parents that was mixed color nationality I told the parents there little girl was beautiful and she said your daughter is so very beautiful too and I was holding you in my arms and you looked at me and smiled and kissed me with your tight hug. You always gave such big tight hugs when you were little with those big brown eyes that always had a sparkle when you would show your love as a child. When Todd came along you were devastated thats my aunt, I still loved you just the same me and you were very close the first few yrs. I loved you as my own. We were all fourtunate to be all together at disneyland with nonnie & papa, then the Dreamcruise in R.O. you, nicole, keith, todd, andrea, & me, getting a hotel for the night going out to eat at the restruant inside the people thought we were quite a pack laughing so hard none of us could stop finally everyone joined in laughing with us cause we looked like goofballs laughing so hard till we cried I was so embarrassed! You and Keith said who cares as we were still laughing. We were just so happy to be to together enjoying eachothers love and sillyness as we were that day and wrestling around with each other in the hotel having fun. Alissa, as you know Uncle Tom, isn't good at saying good-bye! but as my brother I know He loved you with all of his heart as any Uncle could love as big as the ocean with open arms you know that he was always there for all of you (s). You will always be in a special part of his heart entwined with yours just as he will be in yours forever and ever with his beautiful memories that you and him shared together with Aunt Mary Lou too as well as the times with nonnie & papa in FL. Honey you were so very blessed and loved and I know that you know looking down now.
You know you were the apple of nonnie's eye you were the shining little star that made her happy
for as long as you were here. She'll will always be greatfull for your love you had brought her. I know I had that speacial love as well with my nonnie too don't ever let it go and of course I know that won't Those are truly one of the best blessings that god could ever give us. you will always be the little star in the sky that shines looking down on her & carter your mom. Sleep little darling! We all will remember you and keep you close deep deep in our hearts always.
LOVE YOU! HUGS & xoxoxoxoxox