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Tracee Hartman
Help me show the courts that we can come to an to an understanding. with mark and i as part of her life so they will not send her
Tracee Hartman
Take that from Nadia. I want her to have all the love she can...with all her problems she will need her father
Tracee Hartman
Need her father to be part of her life i just want it to be safe. I think he loves her i saw that in the last visit. i would never
Tracee Hartman
But I have no rights....I love her so much and would let him see her as long as he is straight during the visit. I think she does
Tracee Hartman
Will be fine he dosnt realize that they will be looking at him even closer when he gets her and he will loose all his rights when
Tracee Hartman
I miss u soooo much. M is trying to work his case plan. Looks like he may have unsupervised visits soon. but he thinks everything
Tracee Hartman
You use to look up to me....I could always talk you into doing the right thing because i could scare u...I love u mo
Tracee Hartman
I will never forget all the times you came to me with our talks. You always would come to me and ask me what I thought when you we
Tracee Hartman
I miss you sooooo much.....love mom
Tracee Hartman
There is not a day that goes by that i don't cry for you. I hope you know that...Miss u soooo much.Mom
Tracee Hartman
All the time she lays her head on ours she is just a wonderful gift...We love her and wish u could see and be with her.
Tracee Hartman
I miss you so much...Nadia is walking now saying or trying to say everything you repeat to her...she laughs so much and kisses us
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